Legal Advice on Being Evicted

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If you want to appeal, you should seek legal advice immediately after the hearing. If you do not appeal, you can be evicted by a police officer or sheriff within 22 days of the hearing before the magistral district judge. If you are asked to move for a reason other than non-payment of rent, your landlord must give you written notice If you are a tenant and have questions about harassment by your landlord, repairs to your apartment or building, or your rights as a tenant, please call 311 and ask for the Tenant Helpline. or visit the city`s online tenant resource portal for information and resources for New York tenants, including free legal advice from the CJOC`s nonprofit legal service providers. Pennsylvania`s landlord and tenant law states that you can be evicted if: Legal aid programs across the state have provided increased legal assistance to tenants facing eviction. You can call them or talk to them in court if you need legal advice or representation. If you have been served with an eviction complaint, you should contact your local HARA and speak to legal assistance. Find contact information for your local legal aid agency and HARA by selecting your district. Only if you do not contact your landlord within ten (10) days of the eviction can they throw away or sell your personal property.

The following list indicates the States protected against expulsion and the date on which protection is to end. In some states, you may be protected from eviction while your application for federal emergency rent assistance is being processed. In other states, you may be able to stay your eviction by filing an affidavit with the state or entering into a repayment plan with your landlord. If your landlord threatens to evict you or if you need help understanding your rights, talk to a lawyer. You may be eligible for free legal aid based on your income. If an eviction complaint has been filed against you, you may have a defense – a legal reason why the landlord cannot evict you. Common defensive measures include: paying rent if the eviction is for non-payment of rent, failure by the landlord to keep the property habitable and under repair, or retaliation by the landlord for reporting code violations or seeking repairs. If you have a defence, you must bring it to the attention of the court when you appear before the court and when you submit your written answer (response) to the court. If you have applied to CERA and there is a deportation order against you, it is important that you contact your HARA immediately and inform them of your situation. You should also contact Legal Aid so they can help you quickly if you receive a Statement of Application or an Eviction Order.

Find contact information for your HARA and local legal aid agency below by selecting your district. Legal advice is free, available in any zip code, and available regardless of immigration status. It is illegal for a landlord to evict you without bringing an eviction action against you in court or before there is a court order authorizing a commissioner to evict you. If you believe you have been illegally locked out, you can take legal action (an “illegal lockout” or “restitution of property”) in the housing court. For OCJ legal advice on tenant housing, please call 311 and ask for the City`s Tenant Helpline. Ask the judge or clerk if the eviction order can be stayed while your application for emergency rent assistance is being processed. If you are evicted, the city should help you with the first month`s rent or, in case of emergency, with the extra rent. OCJ`s helpline is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

to provide legal advice and telephone information to New York tenants who need help with legal questions regarding rent, lease, or other landlord-tenant matters. Regional legal aid programs support low-income tenants with referrals, legal information, and legal representation for evictions across the state. For more information, see Local housing counsellors, legal aid and social organizations can help you understand how government protection against evictions works. The legislation also provides more rights for tenants of public and subsidized housing and for mobile home owners who rent space in mobile home parks. Consult separate brochures on these rights or contact your local legal aid office. You have the right to submit a written response to the court explaining why you should not be deported. If you don`t have a lawyer yet, you can submit a response yourself. You may be eligible for free legal aid. If you are a member of the service, talk to your local legal aid office. When it`s your turn to testify, tell your story to the judge as clearly and simply as possible.

Consider the reasons you gave in your written response why you should not be deported. Decide what you want to do. If you don`t want to stay, but need more time to move, call your landlord or their lawyer to see if you can settle the matter. Your landlord must take several steps to legally evict you. These steps will last at least two weeks after the departure date indicated in the first notification. So if you need more time, don`t sell yourself too short. If you offer to save your landlord the cost of a court hearing by settling in earlier, you should be able to have a little more time to do so. Before scheduling an appointment, read more below under “What if I want to move but need more time?” and “How much time do I have?” Maine Renter Rights: Eviction explains in detail what landlords (in different types of tenancy situations) must do to legally leave. Here is a brief overview of these rules: For more information and free legal aid for eligible tenants and small landlords, visit If you live in Maine, call Pine Tree Legal immediately if you receive these deportation documents and need legal help. If you don`t live in Maine, contact your local legal aid organization.

Your landlord must give you a written notice of eviction, sometimes called a notice of departure. If you don`t have a lease, the notice will tell you you have 7 days or 30 days to move.