Legal Aid Melbourne Address

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The quickest way to get help from us is to look for legal answers or use our online chat. As a member of Legal Aid Victoria`s Section 29A Committee, James Dowsley & Associates may be able to provide you with partially or fully funded legal services. Victoria Legal Aid provides free advice to people with legal problems, with a focus on criminal law, family law and some civil law issues. Some of its services are available to all Victorians, while other services are only available to those who are eligible. Victoria Legal Aid also offers training to strengthen the community`s knowledge of legal rights and responsibilities. Victoria Legal Aid cannot provide legal advice on commercial or commercial matters, defamation, intellectual property, wage disputes, industrial accidents, wills (deceased estates) or the purchase and sale of real estate. If you can`t afford a lawyer to do your case, you can ask if Victoria Legal Aid will pay for a lawyer to help you (which requires you to ask for a lawyer). However, it is important to remember that the criteria and acceptance as a government initiative do not belong to us. We simply provide quality legal services to those who need them. Information for lawyers, including access to legal aid applications, our lawyers` guide and the latest news. The quickest way to get help is to browse our legal information or contact us online via Legal Help Chat. You can also call 1300 792 387, Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm.

Visit the “Find Legal Answers” section of the Victoria Legal Aid website for free information on many common legal issues. Contact us for your legal questions and find out how we can help you. Legal aid is a government initiative that provides legal aid to certain people who cannot afford a lawyer. Legal aid is for those who would not otherwise be able to pay for a lawyer to assist or represent them in their legal case. The grant can be used to fund legal advice, preparation of documents and representation in court. Visit our website for legal information and your options. Popular topics include: Legal aid can cover some or all of your legal fees. If you are granted legal aid, the exact amount and any other conditions will be clearly stated in a letter addressed to you. You can get legal help through the National Relay Service or our legal chat. Contact information for media inquiries.

You can also ask our experienced lawyers for an interview or comment. Interpretation is available to assist callers who speak other languages. Call 1300-792-387 and ask for an interpreter or call one of Victoria Legal Aid`s language lines. Victoria Legal Aid focuses on supporting people who: cannot afford a private lawyer; have an intellectual disability, acquired brain injury or mental illness; you are hospitalized in psychiatry; are homeless or at risk of homelessness; are a child or young person applying to the juvenile court; cannot speak, read or write well in English; are Indigenous Australians; are tried or threatened with domestic violence for domestic violence; are in custody or face severe sentences. COVID-19 mandatory vaccinations and work COVID-19 and incapacity for work COVID-19 and fines Victorian border restrictions How to file a complaint against one of our services, our employees or through a private lawyer funded by us. Call 1300-792-387 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays for free information and help on the law.

You can also contact us in your language. By answering a few questions, we can help you determine your eligibility for legal aid. The Translation and Interpretation Service (TIS National) is available (24 hours a day, 7 days) for callers who speak other languages. Call 131 450. You can contact JDA Law at any time at (03) 9781 4900 to discuss your criminal complaint and your application for legal aid. The legal aid project was funded in part with the support of the City of Palm Bay through federal Community Development Block Grant funds provided by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to Title I of the Federal Housing and Community Development Act, as amended. You can always contact legal aid to find out how much money you have left. You can also impose certain conditions in your scholarship that we can help you understand and follow. Contact our defence lawyers today to see if you qualify and to discuss your options.

This letter will explain what assistance will be paid, the conditions imposed by legal aid, the name and contact information of your lawyer and the date on which your assistance will begin. We have 15 offices in metropolitan Victoria and the Victoria area. We also offer services in many courts, tribunals and other locations across Victoria. Calls from mobile phones may be charged at a higher rate. Contact us if you are an existing client and need to speak to your lawyer. Legal aid is in high demand and government funding is limited and goes mainly to those who need it most. It is important that you fill out the application carefully. If you are successful, a letter will be sent to you and the lawyer who will help you. The means test evaluates your income, assets and expenses to determine your eligibility.