To get you started, we`ve compiled a short list of all the U.S. states and whether bowfishing is legal or not, some of the rules and what to keep in mind. We have also included links to each state`s fish and game websites or to the Department of Natural Resources for more information. So let`s get started! Is bow fishing legal in Texas? Yes, you can fish for bowfish in the state`s coastal waters and on most major lakes and rivers. You can catch fish with recurve bow, crossbow, compound bow or longbow. Bow fishing is generally classified as spearfishing in many countries. As you will see, the bowfishing regulations here are quite simple. Hawaii – The Hawaii Aquatic Resources Division website does not list regulations for bow fishing. The state of Maryland has relaxed bow fishing laws. Let`s summarize what you can`t do here with bowfish to get an idea of what you can catch with bowfish.
You can`t go bow fishing for: You just need a valid fishing license to go bow fishing in the state of Colorado. Keep in mind that the state prohibits crossbows because of their classification as a firearm. They make exceptions for people who receive a special permit for people with disabilities. The maximum number of a particular species of fish that can be in the possession of a person at any time, whether on the body or elsewhere. Fish that have been processed and stored at a person`s legal place of residence are not counted towards their property line. Like spearfishing, bowfishing is legal in New Mexico and welcome to its lakes and reservoirs. You don`t have to search long on the state agency`s website to find guides on where to go and what to take with you. Make New Mexico a bow fishing destination and enjoy all the state has to offer. With few restrictions other than a few federally run lakes, South Carolina welcomes bow fishermen. A historically fantastic fishing state – both freshwater and saltwater species are options with many bowfish fish guides offering their services.
They also cannot fish for carp in areas where waterfowl nest. The law prohibits bow fishing within 30 metres of people outside your vessel. Understanding the lakes where you can practice bowfish in California goes a long way toward staying legal, as you can only do it in certain places. Kansas – All waters are open to bow fishing unless otherwise noted. Some bow fishing is allowed in city, county, municipality or private lakes, but regulations vary, so check local rules. Non-sport fish can be legally caught by bow fishing wherever bow fishing is permitted. Blue, river catfish and flathead catfish are not caught by bow fishing in rivers and streams, but by boreal fish in other waters where there are no length restrictions for these species. Crossbows are legal. Anglingers must be in possession of a valid Kansas fishing license, unless exempted by law. The arrows must have spiny heads and each arrow must be attached to the bow by a leash. Water bodies within 50 metres of an occupied jetty or boat launch, occupied swimming area, picnic area or campground, and other occupied public areas are closed to bowfishing. Wyoming – It is legal to catch non-wild fish with archery equipment without a license or permit, but it is still illegal to catch wild fish with archery equipment.
Artificial light may be used when fishing with legal fishing methods, unless the WY Fisheries Regulations brochure for spear fishing is prohibited. South Carolina – South Carolina allows year-round bow fishing on all fresh waters, with the exception of state lakes managed by the SCDNR. They can legally fish for bowfish in New Hampshire in open wild waters, but they prohibit bow fishing in trophy bass waters and special trout areas. Have a valid fishing license with you to catch bowfish here. While you can`t catch New Hampshire`s wild fish species, they do allow you to catch non-wild fish species like carp and suckers, but take this information with a grain of salt. Pennsylvania – Bow and arrow (including compound bows and crossbows) may only be used to collect carp, suckers and catfish in all Commonwealth waters, day and night, with the following exceptions: (1) bow fishing is strictly prohibited in stocked trout waters during the closed season and (2) bow fishing is strictly prohibited in special waters. For arrows in Maine, they must be provided with teeth or thorns and tied to the bow with a bow fishing line. You also have to pay $2 for the bow licence. The restrictions here seem a bit strange, and it would be wise to contact a local official.
Archery fishing is a fun pastime that combines two great things: fishing and archery. As the weather warms, many people are looking for ways to get outside and enjoy nature, and interest in bow fishing has increased accordingly. Add to that the ongoing efforts to control invasive fish species, and the bowfishing world is well on its way to exploding in popularity. Yes, bow fishing is legal in the state of Alaska. In some areas where they consider northern pike an invasive species, you can even catch bowfish for northern pike. Check your local regulations to make sure they are legal in your area. In North Carolina, you can legally catch bowfish here, and bow anglers tend to target three main species: When it comes to bowfish in Tennessee, it falls under the same laws as spearfishing, laughing, grabbing, and catching. They mainly target carp, which have invaded part of the water. Oklahoma – Bow fishing can only be used year-round in all waters to catch non-wild fish, unless restricted by special “Public Fishing Waters” regulations under tail waters.
Legal bow fishing is limited to: any bow (including a crossbow). Devices for mechanically holding an arch when it is pulled in whole or in part are permitted. Yes, you can see bowfish in the state of Utah. However, with the Hive state, you can only target carp. You should check with local authorities before going bow fishing here on a lake, as this varies from body of water to body. As the gateway to New England, Connecticut could certainly boast of its waterways and saltwater coastline of Long Island Sound. Certainly more confusion than certainty about the legality of bow fishing by local residents, it is legal with the right equipment and licenses. The target species are mainly carp, with some fishermen salting the blue fish. As always, be sure to check the regulations before going into the water. North Dakota – Wild fish cannot be caught with bows, arrows or spears. It is illegal to release fish after they have been shot or slaughtered with a spear.
All fish must be used and/or disposed of properly and must not be left in water or on land. Archery is legal from April 1 to March 31 of each fishing year. Archery and spearfishing are open in all waters as indicated on page 10, except for the following area, which is closed: You can legally fish bowfish in Delaware with various species available, such as snakeheads, blue catfish, flathead catfish, migratory catfish, and grass carp. After slaughtering fish, never release them back into the water, as this is illegal. The fish will die after you slaughter them. Not only that, but the fish you catch tend to be invasive, making it illegal to release them. The only fish you can legally shoot carp in the state of Nevada. Carp populations here need to be controlled, and to give you an idea of how desperately needed this is, one bowfisherman reported that he and his wife shot 148 carp in just four hours of shooting. That should say a lot. You can also fish for bow catfish here. Fish that are legal for shooting in Mississippi include: Bow fishing in Hawaii is classified as the same as spearfishing.